Barrie Maguire Paintings & Prints of Ireland

Heading Videos Paintings of Echo Lake Portrait Paintings Meet Barrie Barrie's Blog Shows and Galleries Prints Link Irish Pub Decor


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NEW - Echo Lake Gathering


Barn Dance

Barn Dance



Be Still

The Whitmarsh Barn

The Whitmarsh Barn



Blue Moon on Echo Lake

Blue Moon on Echo Lake



Greene Tractor

Greene Tractor



Berks Coupe

Berks Coupe




NEW - Heart of the Lotus



Wild Things



Morning Cruise

Morning Cruise






Summer Lily

Summer Lily



Spring Fever

Spring Fever



Wndow on the Future

Window On The Future



Winter Shoes

Winter Shoes



The Last Apple

Yankee Winter

Yankee Winter




Echo Lake Lily

Echo Lake Lily Lester's Boy


Town of Pitcher

Town of Pitcher


morning nap
Blue Loon Lester's Boy

celtic roundup sheep sheepdogs ireland
Echo Lake Lilypads reddot.gif (297 bytes)


Landis Store Pears



Lester's Boy Lester's Boy




big brown paintings of ireland hrose fair

John Buck Lester's Boy

John B's Tractor

John B's Tractor




PRINTS             Paintings of Ireland         Paintings of Musicians

Contact Barrie Maguire            Back

Paintings of Ireland:  James JoyceW.B. Yeats,  Oscar WildeJohn B. Keane, Samuel Beckett,  Bodhran PlayerAran Island Cottage,  Dunworley StrandGrafton Street MusiciansBurren Sketches,  Connemara landscapesLimerick landscape,  Achill RamSheepIrish CemeteryIrish Quilts,  Prints of Ireland